
Sunday, December 11, 2011

He's Alive!

You know.

As surprising as this might or might not be, when I'm expected to write a lot for school, blogging becomes a lot less appealing. Suddenly it's a job.

That being said, if you've come on here multiple times in the last couple months, looking for some sort of update, you must be a sad lonely person who clearly cares way too much about me.

Just stop it. You're suffocating me. Have some dignity. Christ.

Speaking of everyone's favorite savior, Christ, the other day I was called brilliant in class for drawing parallels between a book we read, and the Bible.

I appreciate the sentiment but to call someone brilliant for relating a novel to the Bible is hilariously outrageous. Being easily the most referenced and influential piece of western literature it's honestly hard NOT to relate a written work to it, baring the unreasonable of course.

The part that surprises me most is that in my class I'm the only person who routinely, or ever, relates a short story, poem, or novel to the Bible. A bunch of damn heathens up in there if you ask me.

Especially when the book is full of personal sacrifice(Jesus), mysterious water related rebirths(Baptism), and unexplained 'virgin' pregnancies(Mary).

Could it be any more clear? Nay, probably not.

Don't call me brilliant for something that's not brilliant.

Though I do encourage flattery, so by all means, find a real reason to point out my brilliance.