Archer reference!
So there I am broing out with our very own Colin Macgregor of Something Near Sane as he came through the city of Bozeman on his way home from his ventures up in/near Glacier.
We ended up going out to the bars. And push comes to shove I apparently almost got another Public Urination ticket. Funny right? I'm not going to give details into exactly what went down for the privacy of certain parties. But lets just say I'm starting a Urinating in Public club and I've already got another member. But back to myself almost getting another. I'm standing there, and the cop looks up my name and says to me, "You just got a public urination last week? You're lucky you didn't have your 'thing' out or I would give you another" and to which I wanted to say, "Sir, it's a penis, just say penis." but instead I said, "aaaaah what?"
Bicycle cops again. Two this time. Power trip having wankers is what they are. They even told me and the second person in my small group to take a step back and stand behind the bicycles. As if we were going to jump them or something. What the fuck.
I went camping/hiking in Glacier National Park a few days ago, for a few days.
Wow, not only is it gorgeous but hiking 3500 vertical feet in 7 miles one way whilst carrying a small but still noticeable backpack is not as easy as it sounds. Oh what's that? It doesn't sound that easy? Why the fuck didn't you tell me that before I did it.
Slept in a hammock in the woods.
School starts again real soon. I'll admit to being pretty nervous purely on the grounds of after taking a year off it will be quite the shock going back. It's a bitter-sweet feeling. You know what else is bitter-sweet? Your mother.
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