
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why, 'ello there!

This is my official, unofficial, personal blog.

Stay tuned to hear me talk about shit here. Shit that makes me feel all sorts of upset, inconvenient, or pissed off.

Or maybe just me talking about things I've done that nobody cares about. Like family stuff. And other such nonsense.

Minnesota was great btw, thanks for asking. You jerks.

I attempted valiantly to repair a broken air conditioner, in which I'm very proud of. Because I'm handy like that.

I build a large fancy, rabbit cage/house for my neices rabbit. Which was also handy of me. My mother helped. Kind of. I guess.

I went to Walker, say almost everyone I needed to see. Minus one or two individuals. No not you, I meant to not see you. You slut.

I hung around with family A LOT. Had beers, watched volleyball, stayed up late watching stand up comedians and movies, played Wii with nephews, played board games with family, experienced incredibly awful weather in the form of extreme heat and humidity. And finally left.

Seeing the Corn Palace, the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, and the Devil's Tower, on the way back.

I've seen all those at least twice each already, but why not go again? Am I right?

Also, South Dakota sucks. Sucks the high hard one.

p.s. I got in a drunken fist fight with a bro, one that's be brewing for years, but it was cut short before we could have any fun with it. It only amounted to some bruised nuts and a black eye. But guess who's nuts are fine? These guys.

A win.

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