
Sunday, December 11, 2011

He's Alive!

You know.

As surprising as this might or might not be, when I'm expected to write a lot for school, blogging becomes a lot less appealing. Suddenly it's a job.

That being said, if you've come on here multiple times in the last couple months, looking for some sort of update, you must be a sad lonely person who clearly cares way too much about me.

Just stop it. You're suffocating me. Have some dignity. Christ.

Speaking of everyone's favorite savior, Christ, the other day I was called brilliant in class for drawing parallels between a book we read, and the Bible.

I appreciate the sentiment but to call someone brilliant for relating a novel to the Bible is hilariously outrageous. Being easily the most referenced and influential piece of western literature it's honestly hard NOT to relate a written work to it, baring the unreasonable of course.

The part that surprises me most is that in my class I'm the only person who routinely, or ever, relates a short story, poem, or novel to the Bible. A bunch of damn heathens up in there if you ask me.

Especially when the book is full of personal sacrifice(Jesus), mysterious water related rebirths(Baptism), and unexplained 'virgin' pregnancies(Mary).

Could it be any more clear? Nay, probably not.

Don't call me brilliant for something that's not brilliant.

Though I do encourage flattery, so by all means, find a real reason to point out my brilliance.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Free Drinks

Last Saturday was the first MSU Bobcats football game this year and with the new addition on the half stadium thing we got going on here.

I've never been that drunk at a football game before. It was a great time. The roommates and I started chants, made friends with anyone nearby, and just acted a fool in general.

To be honest it might be easily one of the more fun games I've ever been too. Plus they won. So it was free drinks down at a local 'Country' bar/club/thing from 10-11 that night.

Sooooo yeah, it got pretty free. If you know what I mean. Which would surprise me, because I don't even know what I mean.

Going to continue trying to make kegs 'n eggs before games. We always try but never end up going. Next time, next time for sure.

Other than that, my friends, all has been as is. Classes are going fine, great even, and money is short.

And by short I mean gone. Way gone. I don't even remember what money is.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The first class, on the first day of class, on the first semester of the year, on the first year back, from taking my first year off.

It's good to be back.

Having officially started my new English Writing Major I can't say I've ever been more...where I am...right now?

I'm taking a Literature class, a Linguistics class, a Philosophy class, and a Writing class.

All things I find at least at a very moderate level of interest to me. It's all going well so far. That's where I've been for the last two weeks. Going to class and being very very poor.

I finally started working out again...and by again I of course mean for the first time in eons.

It actually feels great. I love it. Being so inactive for so long really makes a person appreciate a good 'burn' if you don't mind my cliche labels.

Between trying not to be poor, school work (which is admittedly light for the moment), working out, and trying to pick up chicks, I'm enjoying the current routine my life is in.

Speaking of chicks, so get this, apparently a while back, one morning my mother stopped by my place with my brother and his girlfriend right?

As it turns out my mother was convinced that I probably had a girl over and sent my brother's girlfriend to my room to see if I was awake and had company, least she happens upon an awkward situation.

That's it. That's the story.

I guess I can't say my mother doesn't believe in me. It's just funny, of all the things she expects, she actually thinks she'll stumble across some one night stand of mine? HA. That's good. She's got faith in me, I'll give her that.

She thinks I've got GAME.

But after having been tied down three years I find I don't.

Sure, I can open, I'm charming enough for that, some drinks, some dancing, and a witty comment or two. I can do that. But bringing the marks home, that's where I fail.

Closing. I got the numbers. But convincing them to come back to my lair is a whole different story.

Actually, maybe it's because I call it my lair...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Accuracy and Precision


Archer reference!

So there I am broing out with our very own Colin Macgregor of Something Near Sane as he came through the city of Bozeman on his way home from his ventures up in/near Glacier.

We ended up going out to the bars. And push comes to shove I apparently almost got another Public Urination ticket. Funny right? I'm not going to give details into exactly what went down for the privacy of certain parties. But lets just say I'm starting a Urinating in Public club and I've already got another member. But back to myself almost getting another. I'm standing there, and the cop looks up my name and says to me, "You just got a public urination last week? You're lucky you didn't have your 'thing' out or I would give you another" and to which I wanted to say, "Sir, it's a penis, just say penis." but instead I said, "aaaaah what?"

Bicycle cops again. Two this time. Power trip having wankers is what they are. They even told me and the second person in my small group to take a step back and stand behind the bicycles. As if we were going to jump them or something. What the fuck.

I went camping/hiking in Glacier National Park a few days ago, for a few days.

Wow, not only is it gorgeous but hiking 3500 vertical feet in 7 miles one way whilst carrying a small but still noticeable backpack is not as easy as it sounds. Oh what's that? It doesn't sound that easy? Why the fuck didn't you tell me that before I did it.

Slept in a hammock in the woods. 

School starts again real soon. I'll admit to being pretty nervous purely on the grounds of after taking a year off it will be quite the shock going back. It's a bitter-sweet feeling. You know what else is bitter-sweet? Your mother.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pimpin' Ain't Easy

If I knew at all what it was like to be pimpin' I would probably wholeheartedly agree with that.

I feel like this "personal" blog may be easier to write for than my other based purely on the fact that I'm not trying to impress anyone or be funny. I'm just writing whatever shit I feel like writing. Which is funny because I feel like that was the original goal of my other blog. I guess that means I just realized I'm trying to hard on that other one. Damn it.

Anyways. I've been jamming out to this song, "Butterfly" by Crazy Town, I believe it is,  and it's kind of catchy. Lately it's been muh new jams. I came across it, not for the first time, but recently on some shitty mixed CD that Mitchell left in my vehicle. Considering it's the only good song on there, I basically listen to it during whatever 5 minutes car ride I make to whatever random errand I'm performing.

Speaking of the ladies. I wasn't, but still, my various options/lack of options/choices have been plaguing me lately. On one hand I have this foolish choice I could make, on the other, an equally foolish choice, and on the third hand, whoever the hells hand that is, a third foolish choice.

I kid, they're not really that foolish, but still I'm not sure how to precede with my cards. Or I could just work on getting a better hand if you know what I mean. No, that's not what I meant you sick fucks. I was continuing the cards reference, I wasn't at all making a...nevermind.

I might just work on getting a better hand. Why rush into feelings or actions when I finally have the freedom that I probably sort of always needed and secretly always desired?

I was thinking a tattoo might be fun. What do you all think? Yay? Nay?

Or practicing Buddhism. I've always kinda suspected that might be a good time. Learn some meditation, inner peace, crazy secret monk martial arts. You know how those robe wearing, hair shaving, dudes roll.

Or fighting a pack of coyotes naked.

Or I supposed I could get a tattoo of a Buddhist fighting coyotes naked. Three birds with one stone. Maybe I'll do that.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Maybe I Just Like Clouds

As you've clearly already noticed. My design/background is quite...let's call it pretty.

Some might assume I have a semi-girly background design of clouds and bright happiness because I'm too lazy to go find a good background. Well you know what I have to say to that?

You're probably right. But maybe clouds are appropriate for such a blog. Although maybe not.

To the point.

Hey world, how you doing? ; )

So Mitchell and I stopped by the more or less reopening of a bar last night for a drink or two. Yet, I found myself several drinks in, several hours later, wondering too myself why I wasn't more prepared. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts under the impression we'd be in and out in like 45 minutes. When I found myself looking around the room at all the pretty ladies, and indeed there was no shortage of talent, and thinking to myself, "shit I'm not dressed for this."

Next time Rockin R Bar, next time.

p.s. But really, it's times like standing in a bar full of attractive women that I stop and thank the lord for answering my prayers.

Oh Lord, thank you for this bounty in which I'm about to receive.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why, 'ello there!

This is my official, unofficial, personal blog.

Stay tuned to hear me talk about shit here. Shit that makes me feel all sorts of upset, inconvenient, or pissed off.

Or maybe just me talking about things I've done that nobody cares about. Like family stuff. And other such nonsense.

Minnesota was great btw, thanks for asking. You jerks.

I attempted valiantly to repair a broken air conditioner, in which I'm very proud of. Because I'm handy like that.

I build a large fancy, rabbit cage/house for my neices rabbit. Which was also handy of me. My mother helped. Kind of. I guess.

I went to Walker, say almost everyone I needed to see. Minus one or two individuals. No not you, I meant to not see you. You slut.

I hung around with family A LOT. Had beers, watched volleyball, stayed up late watching stand up comedians and movies, played Wii with nephews, played board games with family, experienced incredibly awful weather in the form of extreme heat and humidity. And finally left.

Seeing the Corn Palace, the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, and the Devil's Tower, on the way back.

I've seen all those at least twice each already, but why not go again? Am I right?

Also, South Dakota sucks. Sucks the high hard one.

p.s. I got in a drunken fist fight with a bro, one that's be brewing for years, but it was cut short before we could have any fun with it. It only amounted to some bruised nuts and a black eye. But guess who's nuts are fine? These guys.

A win.